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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 01/21/04
JANUARY 21, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        David Duquette, Superintendent of Public Works
                        Robert Davis, Superintendent of Solid Waste Facility

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the non-public Selectboard meeting of December 17, 2003, as printed.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of January 7, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  S. Neill and J. LeClair were in favor, the motion carried.   Brenda Ferland abstained, as she was attending the opening session of the Legislature in Concord.  

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the non-public Selectboard meeting of January 7, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  S. Neill and J. LeClair were in favor, the motion carried.  Brenda Ferland abstained, as she was not present.  

Susan French Weeks and her husband bought the property from her parents in 2001.  They plan on coming back to Charlestown in two or three years and are currently fixing the house and structures.  She saw the Historic Preservation plan for barns, looked at the criteria, filled out the paper work and it seems that the barn would be acceptable for this program.  The original middle of the house was a schoolhouse, No. 6, in North Charlestown and that part of the house dates back to 1790.  It was moved from Ox Brook to where it is now and over the next 40 years additions were put on.  The barn was built in 1820-1830.  It was originally used for agricultural purposes but since then it has been used for storage.  The property sits close to the River Road, Route 12A.  Coming north one gets a nice view of the entire property.  The barn needs some structural repairs but it has a good roof that has saved it.  Pictures of the property were attached to the application.  Any relief they receive would go into the repair of the barn.  Brenda Ferland mentioned the over-head door on the barn.  Mrs. Weeks said the door was changed so one could drive straight through; it was put in about 40 years ago.  Mr. Earl French said that door is now blocked off.  At one time it had a stable for a horse and a hen house.  Mrs. Weeks will replace the overhead door.  Mr. Edkins reviewed the process and advised that the Weeks just submitted the application so the Board has 60 days or until March 20th to render a decision.  The Selectboard will have to schedule a Public Hearing and documentation will be submitted to the Historical Society.  Mrs. Weeks will be going back to Ohio but Mr. French indicated that he would be able to attend the Public Hearing.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to schedule the Public Hearing for Wednesday, February 18th, 2004, at 7:00 PM.

Highway Department:  Dave Duquette reported that repairs on the Lovers Lane 12” water line were made last week but then there was another water line break in the CEDA Park.  Both repairs went very well.  The Highway Department has been cleaning trucks and getting ready for the next storm.  In general, they are trying to get caught up.  The salt and sand bins are full.  He thanked Bob Davis for helping out.  Due to the fact that a Highway employee has been out of work on disability leave for several weeks, Bob Davis has been plowing the downtown area.  He asked the Selectboard to make a decision as to what budget line item these hours should be charged to.  

Dave Duquette distributed a “Proposed Highway List 2004” for paving, reconstruction and drainage for Selectboard review.  Copies have been distributed to the Highway Advisory Board.  He would like approval from the Selectboard of the project list to be able to set things up as soon as possible.  Some changes need to be made to the specs before going out for bid.  A list of “Every Year Events” was also itemized.  Projects to be done will depend on what the contractors bids come in at.  Proposed cost per line is as follows:  Paving - $149,600.00; Culvert - $3,780.00; Reconstruction - $25,700.00; Drainage $15,000.00; and Sealing $10,000.00.  Steve Neill noted that the Town has some areas of sidewalk that need to be done.  A “Three Year Ditching Cycle” was also distributed.  Following a discussion of the proposed projects, Jon LeClair felt that the Selectboard shouldn’t do anything until they see what happens with the budget.  After Town Meeting a workshop will be scheduled to go over these things.  

Jon LeClair asked Dave Duquette to contact Mike Duffy and take him down the Old Claremont Road to see what he thinks of the road.  The entire area from where the concrete ends right up through is bad.  There is a dip at the Acworth Road, it isn’t too good by Pellerin’s Store; that whole section of road is moving way too much.

Acknowledgement was made of the letter from Bob Jackson relative to East Street Extension.  He wants to get that portion of the road on the list to be paved.  Dave Duquette said that piece of road is dirt and expensive to keep up.  There are a few things that can be done to the road other than black-top, such as, reclaiming it with extra material or chip sealing it.  Dave Duquette was asked to have the Highway Advisory Board look at it and come up with some options.      

Dave Duquette will be out next Tuesday and Wednesday for Jury Duty.    

Solid Waste Facility:  Bob Davis and Dave Edkins will look over the Proposed contract for Mt. Carberry Landfill.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to have the Town Attorney review the contract as well.  Bob Davis felt he would be making two trips north each week on Monday and Friday.  Friday is a normal workday; on Mondays he will make the run and take Tuesday off.  Jim Aldrich will run the facility on Tuesdays.  The truck will be full when it leaves the facility; some might be demolition.  Bob Davis discussed that removing and disposing ash from the burn pile might eventually become a problem.  The Town will need to look at this down the road.          

There was no public comment at this meeting.

There were no Selectboard comments.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll was signed by the Selectboard.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved the following Purchase Orders:  1) Solid Waste - Norman Cobb in the amount of $2,454.00 for repairs to the building; 2) Highway - S.G. Reid in the amount of $538.64 for truck H-25; 3) Highway - R & R Communications in the amount of $481.50 for a new radio for truck H-24; and 4) Wastewater Facility -Herbicide treatment in the amount of $1,500.00.

Vouchers:  The Vouchers were approved and signed by the Selectboard.

Warrants:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Warrant to the State of New Hampshire in the amount of $795.60.

The Selectboard approved and signed the Warrant for the 2004 Annual Town Meeting.

Final Budget:  The Selectboard approved and signed the MS 6 form from the State of New Hampshire for the Final Budget for the Town.

Abatements:  An Abatement was approved for Robert Ashton in the amount of $123.95, as the meter reading was incorrect.

Current Use Land Change Tax Yield Lien Release: The Selectboard approved a Current Use Land Change Tax Yield Lien Release for Carol Snelling in the amount of $2,000.00.     

Notice of Intent to Cut Wood:  The Selectboard approved a Notice of Intent to Cut Wood on the Unity Stage Road for Michael Jay which included a check in the amount of $47.00.     

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses or Resolutions at this meeting.

Mr. & Mrs. John Hill:  Dave Duquette responded to the letter from Mr. and Mrs. John Hill concerning their water bill.  He is making files and keeping data on all such complaints.

Certificates of Training:  
James Aldrich at the Transfer Station received a Certificate of Training for Household Hazardous Waste and another Certificate for Transportation.

Rod Rumrill received New England Water Works Certificates for continuing education in Plumbing and Fundamentals of Reading Blue Prints.  He also received Certificates for How to Operate and Maintain a Distribution System; Trouble Shooting for Plumbing Efficiency; and a North East Rural Water Association Certificate for Line Location and Leak Detection.  Jon LeClair congratulated James Aldrich and Rod Rumrill for completion of these courses and for their efforts.

Maintenance Contract:  The Selectboard signed a Pump Maintenance Contract with the Layne Christianson Corporation.

Dave Duquette is trying to find a local service for maintenance of the generators.  Caterpillar has been used in the past but is expensive.

Police Department - Stolen Items:  The Selectboard had been going over the list of weapons that are stored in the Police Department.  Steve Neill asked who is responsible if they are stolen or disappear.  Dave Edkins advised that some would be used as evidence; some are there for safekeeping, etc.  Officer Aaron Reichert reported that most cannot be returned unless the court authorizes it, they can’t be destroyed; some are stored for safety reasons.  They have to be sold at auction or absorbed into the Police Department armory for use.  Chief Smith will be asked to write a memo to the Selectboard addressing this matter.   

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair did not have a report on the Conservation Commission.    

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that the last meeting was cancelled because of the water leak in the area.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that it was another marathon session.  The Planning Board: 1) Continued the Joseph and Patricia Pickul and JETTCO Group subdivision until the next meeting on February 3rd; 2) Had a presentation from the engineering firm on the St. Pierre, Inc. application to construct Office/Scale House and Expand Existing Sand and Gravel Operation on the Jeffrey Road site - it was tabled until the next meeting; 3) Accepted as complete the application from Leonard and Gail Poland for a two (2) lot subdivision on the Acworth and Old Providence Roads; and 4) Approved an amendment to the original plan of James and Patricia Cormack to operate a Banquet/Function Room at the Existing Recreation Facility & Retail Store on Claremont Road.  The Planning Board was missing three regular members but three alternates were present.      

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  There were no Solid Waste Committee meetings.

Mileage Reimbursement:  There was a consensus of the Selectboard that the mileage reimbursement for employees Town-wide shall be the IRS standard rate of 37.5 cents per mile.

Filing Period:  Dave Edkins reminded everyone that the filing period for Town offices starts today and continues through next Friday, January 31st.  

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) - RSA 91-A:3 II (a):
Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a non-public session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a).  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:26 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                           Approved,

                                                        Jon B. LeClair

                                                        Steven A. Neill

                                                        Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the February 18th, 2004, meeting.)